When many people think of Anime, the first thing that comes to mind is the colorful, strange, and gravity defying hair of the characters. One of the hardest
October 27-29th, thousands of nerds trekked to the Los Angeles Convention center for Stan Lee's Los Angeles Comic Con (formerly known as Comikaze Expo). In it's 7th year,
If you've ever cosplayed or worked hard to make a screen accurate costume, then you have been in this situation before. You've worked really hard to make sure
If you frequent the Annual Renaissance Pleasure Faire in Irwindale, you’ll know that they hosted their very first Renn Con this past weekend. The idea behind Renn Con
Once again, we’ve partnered up with our favorite local cosplayer, Mvious Cosplay, for another cosplay project. This time, he’s tackled a popular character who’s made his MCU debut
The 2016 WonderCon at the Los Angeles Convention center was their biggest yet. Saturday tickets sold out weeks before the event, but luckily, we were able to score