DIY Black Panther Cosplay with Mvious Cosplay
|Once again, we’ve partnered up with our favorite local cosplayer, Mvious Cosplay, for another cosplay project. This time, he’s tackled a popular character who’s made his MCU debut in this year’s Captain America: Civil War. Using a black spandex suit, he’s created a recognizable character by making a few adjustments and matching it with store-bought costume accessories. Here’s a look at his creative process and how he made this DIY Black Panther Cosplay.
Q. Why did you choose to cosplay as Black Panther?
A. I chose to cosplay as Black Panther because this was his first live film adaptation. I originally thought of cosplaying as Tom Holland’s Spider-Man since he is now in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, however this will be the sixth interpretation that people have seen of him so I made my final decision on Black Panther.
Q. What was your process in creating your outfit?
A. The process I went with was to cut out spandex strips according to the shapes and pattern of the screen used suit in Captain America: Civil War. Once I would have those cut, I would use some Fabric Fusion to glue them into place and sew them down onto the suit. As for the silver pieces on the costume, I would draw out the shapes onto craft foam, cut them out, and coat the pieces in spray adhesive to metallic silver 4-way stretch spandex. After doing that, I would adhere them to the suit with Fabric Fusion as well.
As for the clawed gloves, I had purchased them from Toys R Us. The cowl was purchased from one of my friends in the cosplay community.
The materials I would be using in the build are craft foam, matte black 4-way stretch spandex, metallic black 4-way stretch spandex, Fabric Fusion glue, and spray adhesive. The fabrics and foam were both purchased at Wal-Mart while the glue and spray adhesive, I had purchased at my local Hobby Lobby store.
Q. Where have you worn this cosplay? Do you have other plans for it?
A. So far, I have only worn the cosplay at LA Cosplay Con that took place on June 11, 2016. I plan to wear it at an Independence Day parade next month and Nerd Bot Con in Pasadena later on this year in September. As time goes on, I will be adding more of the layers of the suit and boot soles onto the feet of the suit.
As he mentioned, this look is a work in progress, so we hope to catch up with Mvious Cosplay again to see the finished product. Is there a cosplay DIY that you’d like to see in the future? Please let us know by leaving a comment!