We’ve Moved!


We’ve got some exciting news! We’ve just moved to a brand new warehouse that’s even bigger than our last! Our local customers don’t need to worry, though. It’s just down the street from our last warehouse! You can now find Pure Costumes at:

2001 Tyler Avenue
South El Monte, CA 91733

So if you’re in the area and want to pickup your order in person, see our guide to warehouse pickup so you can save on shipping!

This newer and bigger warehouse means that we’ve got plenty of space for even more amazing costumes. So keep an eye on our blog as well as our New Costumes page because we’re going to be stocking up on the latest trends for 2018!



I'm a mother of two and constantly searching for ways to have adventures and create memories as a new family. I love all things Disney, I'm obsessed with family costumes, and I will find any excuse to dress up and celebrate.

Lisa plays the role of the Fairy Godmother on the Pure Costumes team.

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