Oktoberfest Merriment = Beer + Costumes

For many people, Oktoberfest is just an excuse to consume an excess amount of beer. But for many others, Oktoberfest is a holiday ripe with tradition and meaning.

Oktoberfest originated in Germany, and typically lasts for 16 days from the end of September to the beginning of October. It’s one of Germany’s most famous events and/or celebrations, and there are many Oktoberfest celebrations around the world that replicate the real one. So, just because you’re not in Germany doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate Oktoberfest!

2010 is a special year, because it marks the 200th anniversary of Oktoberfest. Chances are that there will be a local celebration of beer, hearty food, and merry-making, no matter where you live. To help you fit right in with the celebrations, Pure Costumes has put together a page of Oktoberfest Costumes. Here, you’ll find an assortment of Beer Girl Costumes – perfect for any Oktoberfest celebration.

For more ideas, browse through all of Pure Costumes’ Adult Costumes. Or, if you’re looking for racier costumes, check out our sister website, Pure Sexy Costumes, for an assortment of sexy adult costumes.

Beer Babe Adult Costume

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